Sunday, 10 April 2011

phewy wot a buzzy week n we're going to BORDERFEST 11!

woof woof woof to ewe you whooozee bean reading my blog, some of u iz having trouble leaving comments n i apologise coz i still dont knows why? maybe some one wiv technoological knowhow can elp.

anyways it haz bean a busy view weeks in da house what wiv mummyrella being made redundant [fanks to all u who has sent her well wishes on twitter @valentineslady and @mummyrella] but her feet as not touched ground and i iz getting more walks - yeah!

Firstly little boy person had iz burfday n e got this huuge big dinnoosaw which i iz taken too when he goes to bed at night i iz found cuddling it on the sofa iz been very goood wiv this cos its not one I want to be known for #destuctogang

me new fwend

Then on wednesday i was found to be drivin the little people ome from nurserry when dare iz lots of little fluffy lambs n the chickens were still dare but thought you would lyke to cee my drivin skills

drivin in me car

den on sunday we iz drivin to the train station in Peterborough [nearest big one from us over 30 long minutes away] and i came very close to de train n end of platform luckkly little girl person waz dar to look after me n mummyrella

train getting too close

found interesting things under de seat

nearly lastly mummyrella found disaster in de village this week one of my p-trees which i iz been using fell down!! now i iz know i am only little n not got alot of p so it must of bean bigger dog from village which iz watered de tree too much, but mummyrella finks de tree has been old n not too well for quite sometime so i iz not feeling too quilty only sad about de tree :( 

p-tree disaster

finally i iz soo proud to report i iz part of #destructogang fanks to @misspishposh and @realjoannek

me badge :)

n final finally, which i did mention earlier mummyrella iz takin me to BorderFest! we iz hoping to see some of u there! but will hopefully blog again before we go, but we iz soooo excited :)

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! We is excited to see you at #borderfest my chum. We got lots tpo catch up on...
