Monday 27 February 2012

we iz bean pAWveyors of fine food tastying!

ello to you all, Me and Basil have been farily busy, sniffin and a playing, snoozing and a eating.

Den on twitter we were contacted by @waggfoods and day be askin wud we like to be trying sum new training treets - so i dos respond emmediately to say DO DOGS GO WOOF! YES PLEASE!

so last week de postyman he delivered a nice smellying big parcel, so we just could not wait, and we were be out de door - so farst mum was trying to caputre us in action we do be a blur!

woosh and den we be off!
So we dus be arrivin at de place of our usual erliee morning constitutional but we iz stickin close to mum cos we iz be smelling lots of lurvely flavours from her treat bag.

and yes i shamfully have to say dat iz me beggin!

mum be ambredextrious photographer and hand model! - "GET on WIV IT woman!"

So wivout taken mums fingers appart coz dey is soooo good we have a taster mmmmmmmmmmmmm

"BASIL! move you i iz always first  grrrr"
So we dus be walking around de field very close to mums treat bag and we snneaak a few more out of her hand coz we have been very good and we iz being trained all the time! then who shud come bounding up but BUZZZ so of course we iz give him BT licks that only BT's can and he iz so overcome by de taste he haz a few from mum for being a good boy and not rolling in lots of smelly stuff!

BUZZ gettin BT lick from BASIL!

so we dus be finking dat mum next shoppin list does be having WAGG doggy Training Treats !

fanks to Waggfoods for providing the tasteee dog food but de words all be our own!! WOOF WOOF!


  1. Great report my pal. We agree wiv you bout Dolton's treats. They is pawsome

  2. Such good babies you two are!
