Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Middle of the WEEK

"Woof Woof Woof"  or "Good Morning" to all my Readers, the wever man he said it wood be heavy rain today and he waz not rong - it b raining cats, mice n ratz out there on that Village field and what wiv the norf easterly wind a blowing from the Wash it's flippin' frreeezing.  my  mover [aka mummyrella] looked like a cross between a bollisher beacon and the yeti! she had on her high vision jacket [padded] her salupets - no not another PET but those skiing trousers! thnk gloves, hat scarrrf and her new wellies yet 2 b seen by u's lot.  Then what wiv dodggging pesking cgul pooos  and it was a bit of a ONE HUGE big MUDDLY PUDDLE out there, i fink i've spent more time trying to right thies than being outside - I wiashk i had more tiime out there! oh well going to eat me breaskfast now asnd scrounge a courner of toastie. have a laovely day all . Licksa and woofs to yuou alls. xx 

PS - just wanted to do a "woof out" fuz me fwiends who moved away - Basil in CARLISLE and Barney somewahres in v COTSWOLDS - luvz u lotss Poppydog xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Well done my pal. A pawsome blog and nice to see you wiv your pals.
